Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sugar High

Emma's sugars are so bad right now(really they are always this bad) that we are meeting with the Endocrinologist monthly instead of every 3 months. They check her a1c every time and it's high every time. We went last Thursday and her a1c came in at 9.8, it makes me so upset. We've been in the dangerous range for awhile. It's impossible to describe the frustration I feel in trying to establish good control. It feels like it will never happen, especially when you factor in all Emma's problems that play a role in sugar control. Mainly, her high incidence of illness. We left September's appointment with a new plan for the following month to try for better control. Less than a week later she was ill with a cold and it really affected her sugars. Some illnesses make the Diabetes harder than others. This cold produced dangerously high sugars and large ketones which could have easily lead to a life threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis . We're 5 years in with this disease and this particular cold has made the list as one of the hardest we've dealt with(as far as sugar control goes). One bright note is that Emma is older and will drink fluids when she is running really high. She recognizes the thirst associated with high blood sugar now and contstantly wants to drink. It's such a far cry from when she was tiny and would not drink for us, it would easily land her in the emergency room for iv fluid. The plan we left the Doctor's with in September never happened after the cold turned into a sinus infection. A round of antibiotics, a horrible yeast infection and now a new cold later-I wasn't surprised to see an increase in her a1c level on Thursday.

Every day we are battling a disease that has devastating complications from uncontrolled blood sugars. Every day it feels like we are losing. We really need a cure.


Tiffany said...

I am so sorry the battle of the A1C stinks. Your not alone in the battle. She's still little hopefully as she gets older and as you get all the celiac issues undercontrol it will get better. We will keep our fingers crossed! Hang in there!

Karrie said...

you are amazing, you are one tough mama and Em is one tough little girl!!! I love you so much, stupid A1C numbers!! Why does everything always have to be in numbers!!AHHH Tell Em Happy Birthday from the Schow family!

Garn said...

It is impressive your attitude as you deal with so much. Thanks for your example!